Project acronym: BONAS
Project full title: BOmb factories detection by Networks of Advanced Sensors
Funding: European Commission through the FP7 Program
Area: Smart Sensors
- Topic
- Detection of IEDs and precursors of explosives.
- Objectives
- Development of a network of advanced sensors to localize sites where Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) are produced, by detecting traces of IEDs and precursors on the ground, in the air, and in the water. The network makes use of a range of sensing techniques, from LIDAR, to photo-acoustic spectroscopy, surface-enhanced Raman, and immune-sensing.
- Role of CREO
- Development of the QEPAS sensor.
- Sensing solution / Technology developed by CREO
- Sesning based on Quartz-Enhanced Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy (QEPAS), utilizing an External Cavity Quantum Cascade Laser as IR source and a home-designed cell for detection. The cell is heatable up to 200°C to prevent condensation of Semi Volatile Organic Compounds.
TRL: 4-5 (CREO sensor).
A prototype the size of a hand-luggage tested succesfully with a variety of precursor including acetone, nitromethane, and hexamine, with LoD in the 100s ppbm and response time < 3 min from sampling to reporting. The prototype was demonstrated outdoors at Pratica di Mare (Italian MoD).
Web site: BONAS Project